Last Sunday we launched the Kickstarter for Dolphin Squad: Origins, and we’re now over 50% of the way to our goal!
It’s great to see so much support from the community. We want to bring you this book and you are all helping make it happen.
Keep up the good work. Backing and funding the campaign is great, and we also need people to keep sharing the page too. Let people know they can find the book at www.bit.ly/DSPKickstarter and we’re still tracking use of hashtags #fundfabian #dolphinsquadorigins and #dspubkickstarter
At this rate we’ll soon be able to unveil our stretch goals!
- When we reach goal at £1000 we’ll show off the badge design to be included for free in every physical pledge once we pass £1500
- When we reach £1500, we can show off what the £2000 goal is.
- And we’ve got more reveals planned if pledges exceed £2000!