7 Shades is the brand new comic series from Pete Rogers and David Clifford. This is part 1 of a 4 issue mini-series.
This supernatural western follows the misadventures of Sammael Jehosephat Hicks, as he stumbles to find a way out from under the influence of his six outlaw half-brothers. The story is set within the godforsaken town of Seven Shades, which hides sinister secrets & unimaginable terrors. Nothing in the town seems to happen without the say so of Adixillo Sephera, the influential madame of the 7 Belle’s saloon and everything in Seven Shades seems inexplicably entwined with the destiny of our wayward hero.
In the first issue, Samm is tasked with saving his sickly sister Elsibeth – is he up to the task? Find out within!
The Awesome Comics Podcast –
“This is great, great fun. It’s a wonderfully sort of dark take on the western genre. One that I think is unusual in every aspect really, it’s not what you think it’s going to be. It’s gloriously over the top.” – excerpt from The Awesome Comics Podcast Episode 168
Melody Pedley –
This comic is amazing! Seriously worth a look ❤️
Kris Barry –
“Awesome, funny, everything I was looking for” – Kris Barry, The Comic Guru
Gary Orchard (verified owner) –
Art this good hasn’t been seen regularly since Richard Corben was working for Metal Hurlant and Marvel’s Epic Illustrated.First rate mash-up of horror and wild west action with the most dysfunctional family this side of the Munsters. If Stephen King had written Deadwood, it would be something like this.