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Sammael Hicks rides again!

Sammael Jehosephat Hicks is the (Dead)star of the show today. It’s Deadstar Publishing’s 11th birthday and we’re celebrating with a return to the cursed town of 7 Shades.

We released the first 4 part miniseries in 2018 and followed up in 2019 with Hell’s Belles. Originally we’d planned to release the second 4 part miniseries in 2020… but there’s been this slight global disruption going on recently that slowed us down a bit. Nothing major… just a pandemic…

It’s looking like we’ve turned the corner now and we’re starting to come out the other side. We’ve been discussing signing events at comic stores, and in a few more weeks we should be attending our first comic con in over a year. That, coupled with it being our birthday, made us think that the time is right to peel back the curtains and give you a peek at the mysteries beyond.

And then Jericho

And Then Jericho Cover

“And then Jericho” is the first book in the next 7 Shades arc and you can get it today! Yes, that’s right. It’s our birthday so we’re giving you a present! We’ll be releasing the book in physical form at the London Film and Comic Con on July 24th-25th but you don’t have to wait that long for it. The ebook is on our store today!

Spoiler Warning!

If you haven’t read the first arc and Hell’s Belles, the first oneshot, then you should pick those up now.

Got them? Good! “And then Jericho” follows on after the events of Hell’s Belles (the last thing we released before the world paused) with Samm Hicks now squarely in post as sheriff of the wretched town of Seven Shades. Meanwhile Cousin Uriel, the Hicks brothers’ slippery snake-oil selling shyster of a relative, has arrived to help enact Mayor Azrael Hicks’ plans to ensnare the unwitting townfolk and turn them to his bidding. All the while, Samm’s sister Elsie-beth is getting sicker. And Samm? Well, he’s got other things on his mind. Can he save the town? You’ll have to buy the books to find out!

Two pages from "And then Jericho"
Click for the full size image

The ebook is available today – and you can preorder the physical copy which we’ll post from Monday July 26th.

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Interview with the creators of 7 Shades

Our  next release is going to be 7 Shades: Hell’s Belles, the follow up one-shot to last year’s 4 issue miniseries. A few months back we caught up with David Clifford and Peter Rogers while they were doing a signing event at The Comic Guru and were able to record this interview with them.

In the interview David and Peter go into detail what the creative process looks like for them as well as talking about future plans. The series has been really well received so far and we’re looking forward to that continuing. Next week we’ll be launching 7 Shades: Hell’s Belles at Thought Bubble in Harrogate. David will be at Thought Bubble and will also join us at MCM Birmingham on November 16th and 17th. We have more appearances planned for the future. Keep an eye on our appearances post for more details.

We’d love to know what you think of the video – and of the series… and if you’re yet to pick up the first season you can find it here!

Production team

We’d like to thank the following for making the interview possible:

  • Editor & Videographer: Benjamin Powell
  • Audio Engineer: Barney George Andrews
  • Sound Mixer: Patrick Flannery
  • Image FX: Dani Abrams
  • And a special thanks to Kristian Barry of The Comic Guru for allowing us to film in his store.